OU Food Pantry Summer Update

50,000 Client Visits!

50K for 50K!

Just a few weeks ago the OU Food Pantry hit 50,000 client visits! We are so proud to have served so much of the OU community since we opened in 2017!! In an effort to sustain this growth and continue meeting the needs of our community we are setting a goal to raise $50,000 between now and December. If you are interested in helping us raise 50K for 50K, feel free to use the button below to donate. We buy thousands of dollars worth of food every month to continue fighting food insecurity on campus, so any amount you can contribute truly makes a difference.

Other Ways to Help!

If you are not interested in making a monetary donation, feel free to donate items directly to the pantry through our Amazon Wishlist. One of the most popular sections of the pantry is our community area and snack bar where clients can grab extra snacks in addition to their weekly order. We are currently very low on these snack items like granola bars, chips, juice, and coffee which means we aren’t able to make these items available to our clients as frequently. If you would like to help restock some of these items or any of our other shelf-stable food, click the button below to access our Amazon Wishlist.

Want to Learn More?

If you are interested in sponsoring, donating, volunteering, or even just want to come see what we do, sign up for a tour of our space and we will show you around and tell you all about it!